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lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Rv: 3 publicaciones que no debes perderte en Google+ esta semana

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De: El equipo de Google+ <>
Enviado: Lunes 26 de noviembre de 2012 19:26
Asunto: 3 publicaciones que no debes perderte en Google+ esta semana

3 publicaciones destacadas para ti en Google+ esta semana
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Love and Hugs
Standing the both hearts
Like the same portrait
And can not describe
No one great poet
How blind is the love
Or how today's sunset
Could make the souls to fly
And the hearts to melt....
Poem by +Syuzanna Avetisyan

better enjoyed with playing in the background
Today we declared it's FREE HUGS -day ( , come in and get yours ;)

This photo is dedicated to my best friend on Google Plus: +Syuzanna Avetisyan who welcomed her 40,000th follower today. Pls visit her ...
+285 - 199 comentarios - Compartido 93 vecesVer o comentar en esta publicación »
The glass walkway
Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie, Hunan. Standing at roughly 4,700 feet above sea level, it is one of the world's highest observation platforms.

Roughly 200 feet in length, it braces the cliff face of the Tianmen Mountain, enabling an unobstructed view of the nearby scenery as well as an unusual panorama straight down the cliff.
+1561 - 500 comentarios - Compartido 540 vecesVer o comentar en esta publicación »
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